Meet the Teachers: Lumi Loves Francesca Hall
- -Lumi yogi’s are in for a treat this afternoon, when the lithe, graceful Francesca Hall gives up some Lumi Love. From out of the corporate battlefield and into the sanctuary of the studio, steps this warrior of poise, beauty and light. We asked Francesca just how she tackles this balancing act and discovered the power of positivity and not taking yourself too seriously, on or off the mat…
What first brought you to the mat?
Embarrassingly… I literally started at the shallow end of the pool:
My GP said I needed to learn how to relax and unwind from work… suggested yoga – but that didn’t convince me until I read Christie Turlington’s interview with Vogue on how the secret to her amazing figure was all down to yoga…
My reasons for practicing now are very different but who knows, if I hadn’t read that article maybe I wouldn’t have made it to that first class many years ago and found something that was much more to me than just a form of exercise…
Most embarrassing/awkward moment in a class?
It was in my first ever yoga class – I did really enjoy it – a bit too much; in my excitement and eagerness I managed to kick the person behind me when I raised my leg in downward dog. Luckily she was ok, but I was mortified! It was before I’d embraced the concept of “instant forgiveness”.
Crow Pose or Revolving Triangle?
Crescent Lunge Twist or Half Moon?
Half moon
Headstand or Handstand?
Tadasana or Savasana?
Savasana – with a head massage ;o)
Triangle or Dancer’s Pose?
Bow or Boat?
Camel or Wheel?
Forward moving energy or stillness?
Forward and onwards
Tension or release?
Chakras or mudras?
Are you a morning or a night person?
A morning person, definitely. Firstly, I love morning food (see below) but most importantly I just love the feeling of waking up in the morning and having the whole day ahead of me.
Salty or sweet?
Both (see below)
Cooking or eating?
Cooking and then eating
What’s your favourite meal of the day?
Easy: brunch. It’s the one meal in the day where there are no rules: you can have savoury and sweet at the same time or in no particular order and you can have it with a warm and a hot drink too!
If you had a superpower, what would it be?
Teletransportation. I would use it to see more of the world without dealing with the jet lag and the queues.
Drop in for just £5 to catch Francesca’s Lumi Love class at 2:30pm today!