Lumi Well
- Fit For Your Business -Lumi Well: Three Pillars
Fit Body: Yoga is at the core of our offering. Our yoga prac:ces are suitable for all levels from beginner to more advanced.
Fit Mind: Through our workshops and regular online newsleRers, we offer practical tools, mindfulness tips, meditation practices, articles and more.
Fit Life: By combing yoga with mindfulness, along with the workshops, employees can use what they learn both in the office and in their day-to-day life. Everything we bring to the office will also be available through an online newsleRer and podcasts. So even those on the road can gain the benefits of the programme.
More about LumiWell
Internal promotion: The LumiWell team will help you promote the programme within the company
Team building: Specific yoga practices, fun exercises and new ways of building teams
Workshops & Events: Experienced resources available to present on a broad range of topics including Happiness, Mindfulness, Goal Setting, Power Breathing and Nutrition Corporate
Social Responsibility: A percentage of the proceeds from LumiWell go to support Lumi Foundation, which brings yoga to groups of people who might not be able to access studio classes including at-risk teens, disadvantaged adults, elderly, children and people with illness