What does your Yoga Mat say about you?

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What does your Yoga Mat say about you?

mat shadow 1

By Erin Dewar

Whether your yoga practice is a once-a-week, once-a-day or even once-in-a-blue-moon kind of affair, one of the most important decisions you will make before you get on your mat is just that: choosing a yoga mat that’s right for you.

As a hot, sweaty studio, we’re all too aware that you’re downward dog can very quickly slide into a limb, splattered dog without some solid foundations. If you’re finding it hard to let go – or should we say, to hang on! – maybe it’s time you took your sights off your mat of yesteryear and stepped onto something new…

What should I look for in a yoga mat? Many of you ask us just how you can get the most out of your time on your mat. So here at Lumi, we’ve put our heads together and come up with a few tips and ideas that should keep you grounded and flowing with a little more sthira, and a whole lot more sukham.

Get your grip on.
There’s nothing worse than sliding around on your yoga mat while trying to take a few deep breaths in your downward dog. So when you’re shopping for a mat, first things first: test out the grip. If you’re clinging on for dear life it’s probably not the mat for you. We sell a range of EcoPro grippy mats at Lumi reception that provide excellent traction on both sides of the mat. But if you’re not ready to invest just yet, how about taking one of our mats for a test drive during your next class? Feel the difference for yourself. If you’re still not convinced, there are a couple of other ways you can amp up your grip before throwing your old mat to the wind. Try using chalk on your hands, or even rolling your mat on the concrete outside to get rid of the slippery surface. But if those techniques don’t tickle your fancy, we also have a variety of colourful Lumi Yoga Traction Towels that cover your mat and grip on from top to bottom with 100% silicone dots. These ultra-absorbent, super soft microfiber towel provides an hygienic layer between you and your mat so that you can move, but it doesn’t.

Thick or thin?

If you’re new to yoga, you might like to go for a little extra padding when choosing your mat. Building up strength can take some time to begin with, so having the extra support can provide the cushioning you need to slowly build joint and muscle strength whilst also preventing injury. Now, we’re not suggesting you roll out your duvet and snuggle in to an extended savasana each time you come to class (though some days that’s exactly what we need…). Flowing around on a cloud might sound like a luxurious, dreamy experience, but when you finally come back down to earth, thick, foamy mats make it particularly hard to ground down. Think balancing postures. Think tree pose (Vrksasana), but now imagine a strong wind takes hold of your ankles, wobbling them to and fro, digging up your roots… Got the picture? Get a thinner mat. Our mats come in two thicknesses: 4mm and 6mm. Beware of anything thicker than this. And if you’re a particularly long-limbed yogi, never fear! Our mats also come in two lengths: Standard (185 x 60 cm) and Extra Long (200 x 60 cm) so your dog can stretch out as much as you need without risking a nasty slip on the floor. And finally, keep it light! As important as padding is, who wants to lug a heavy mat around all day? For a nice balance of thickness and lightness, opt for the Standard length EcoPro mat and you’ll only be hefting an extra 3.2kg to your next class. Too easy!

Keep it natural(ly toxin free)

After a while (and a lot of sweaty warriors!) yoga mats inevitably need a little bit of love and attention. But before you even step onto your mat, give yourself a helping hand from the get-go – read the label! Have the manufacturers used lots of nasty chemical additives to reduce static or increase longevity? Some mats are full of PVCs, which is a toxic plastic full of dirty carcinogens. Instead, go for 100% natural rubber, free of chemicals, allergens or harmful substances. Our EcoPro mats are certified to the highest standards according to the Oeko-Tex Standard 100, Class 1, which guarantees a level of safety for use with babies. These mindful mats are also made using only environmentally-friendly materials and efficient, renewable energy resources. So not only will you feel good about your practice, you have every reason to feel great about giving a little something back to the planet. And longevity? No matter which mat you end up going for, be sure you keep it looking and smelling good by giving it a wipe down after each practice. We have infused our spray bottles with a refreshing mix of eucalyptus oil and vinegar for your post-practice mat wash. We also encourage our yogis to leave rental mats out to air after use. So if you have a take home mat, find somewhere to dry it out at home. Next time you step up onto it not only will your senses of touch and smell be thanking you, but your mat will be happy to hang around for longer too. When all else fails, check back in with your label – some mats (like the EcoPro) are also machine washable up to 30 degrees (just avoid using detergent or a spin cycle).

Transforming your practice through colour.

Picasso once said colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions. Artists and interior designers have long understood how colour can dramatically affect moods, feelings, and emotions. It is a powerful communication tool and can be used to signal action, influence mood, and cause physiological reactions. In the yoga world, each of your chakras vibrates at a particular frequency and responds to different vibrations (or wavelengths) of light (read: colours). Each colour contains information on several different levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. We’ll talk more about chakras in another post, but for now, just know that you’ll enjoy your practice a whole lot more if you go with a colour that speaks to you. Don’t think too much about it – pick something that you think is pleasing to look at for whatever reason, trusting that this will allow you to feel a little more connected to ‘you’ each and every time you come home to your mat.

Cheap is not always cheerful in the long run…

We are all about trying to make yoga accessible here at Lumi. We understand that at £42 for a travel mat, £48 for the Standard 4mm and £58 for the Deluxe 6mm EcoPro mat that a few of you may find it a little tricky to justify the initial outlay. But a high quality mat is worth the splurge. Cheaper mats are prone to wear out quicker, are often bad for the environment and lack the support you need to get the most out of your practice. Like any good relationship, what you put in is what you get back out of it. So whatever the cost, go for a mat that lifts you up, grounds you down and stays with you through all the twists and turns – wherever that may take you.

If you have any questions about yoga mats, feel free to ask the staff at Lumi next time you’re in the studio. 
