Come Out and Play – Lumi Power Yoga Weekly Theme

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Come Out and Play – Lumi Power Yoga Weekly Theme

What does it mean, to play?  When we watch children play, we see them being free and creative, exploring the boundaries of their bodies and their imaginations.  What if playing is simply acting without worrying about what you look like and what you accomplish?

Adults can’t afford to play, we tell ourselves.  We have responsibilities, duties – jobs, mortgage payments, children of our own.  We have to take life seriously.  There’s no time for play anymore.

But what if we allowed ourselves to play on our yoga mats?  We don’t have any responsibilities there.  That means the only thing holding us back is our fear of how we might appear to other people.  But do we really want that to hold us back?  Why should we let those people affect our happiness?  Actually, why should we let our assumptions about their thoughts affect our happiness?  Chances are, if other people are anything like us, they might want to play too.  And would you want your own momentary impressions of them to hold them back?

So the next time you do a pose, consider what if would mean just to have fun with it, to go with whatever your body felt like doing, or to explore a new variation you just thought up.  Let go of what you think you should look like, and be what you are.  Take a chance, come out and play.  Who knows, your boldness and joy might even be infectious.  You might inspire those around you to join in the game too.

Then pay attention to how it feels to play.  To let go of needing to be perfect, to listen to your intuition, to move confidently as yourself.  And consider how it would feel to take that feeling off the mat.

Ah, but those responsibilities.  What if you could play while you’re taking care of them?  Hum while you’re walking the dog.  Build a castle with your laundry.  Let yourself think through, write up, and even pitch that idea to your boss that you were afraid might have been a little too out there.  Think of every responsibility as an opportunity to explore, discover, and express yourself.  After all, as George Bernard Shaw reminded us, “We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”

Because playing doesn’t mean you can’t take your work, your family, or your life seriously.  In fact, it can be a sign of commitment to them.  Playing allows us to find joy in what we do and to do it with our full hearts.  So believe in yourself, come out and play.





