Man Your Stations! Jennifer Pastiloff returns to Lumi: July 6

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Man Your Stations! Jennifer Pastiloff returns to Lumi: July 6

We are very excited to welcome Jen back to Lumi after her sell out manifestation workshop in February this year. Check out this tiny snippet of what our yogi’s got up to on her first visit…


So, I woke up today a little bit (okay, a lot) in awe at what happened yesterday. I bow to you ALL. Every single one of the (women AND men) who showed up from all over the UK to take my workshop. (Those that came from Scotland and all over England… thank you, I know that wasn’t easy especially with the storms/floods.)
You sang, laughed, cried, wrote, vinyased, shared and most of all, laughed. I truly am shellshocked. In the BEST possible way. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I am buzzing and excited and feeling that anything is possible. Humbly, Jen.

PS Lumi Power Yoga is my London home. Please check them out if and when you are in the city and at the very least ‘like’ their page. They were fabulous hosts!

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Photo Source

Deb Macaulay is a Reflexologist, Heal Your Life Teacher/Coach and yogi who attended Jen’s workshop at Lumi in February. She generously shared her experience of the day with us…

Can I possibly put into words my experience of Jen’s workshop at Lumi Power Yoga earlier this year? Will my words convey my experience in all it’s glory, enough for you – the reader – to feel the beauty of the day? It really was a beautiful experience!

Jennifer Pastiloff really is a yoga teacher extraordinaire. She has the ability to put you at ease, to have you feeling so free and easy in your skin. I left the workshop smiling and walking on air. I – the person who never dances – danced on a yoga mat in the middle of the room amongst total strangers. And I felt good. I felt alive and totally free to be me. Yes, me – who cannot sing to save myself – I sang at the top of my lungs, whilst laughing, crying and taking a vinyasa. How’s that possible?

Jen voices what we want and what we need to in order to make the shift towards realising it. Her ability to connect with peoples’ energy enables her to then voice the feelings in the room. Considering Jen is deaf, she hears remarkably more than any other person I’ve ever known. It’s quite possible that some higher power decided ‘this one doesn’t need the ability to listen with her ears, she hears more than enough with her heart.’

Everyone who attends Jen’s class feels like they belong. Why? Because Jen has a way of making everyone feel as though they are seen and heard. She has a way of making every single person feel like they are important, no matter who they are.

If you like the sound of doing vinyasa whilst singing, dancing, journalling and dropping the ‘f’ word a handful of times, then go to her workshop. I’ve heard it said that ‘it’s all yoga’ in Jen’s class, and I have to agree. You don’t need to be super flexible, be the best dancer, the best singer, the best writer, wear the latest brand name yoga clothes or drink green juice. You just need to show up as you are. You’ll be sure to leave a far better yogi/yogini.

The Manifestation Station: On Being Human workshop connects the mind, body and soul and begs questions like “What are you manifesting?” and “Who would I be if nobody told me who I was?” This is NOT your typical yoga workshop. This unique experience combines asana, writing, and journaling exercises. Beginners are welcome. Non-yogis are welcome. Everyone is encouraged. Expect to flow, twist, sweat, sing, write, dance and laugh as you let go of what is no longer serving you and manifest what you want in your life. This workshop is nothing short of a life changing immersion. Bring a friend. Bring your woes. Go beyond your comfort zone. Come see why this workshop sells out in leading studios around the world. Bring a journal, an open heart and a sense of humour.

Don’t miss it! Book online or at the studio. If you have any questions, please email or call us on 0208 8468504.

Jennifer Pastiloff is a writer and retreat leader based in Los Angeles. She has a large international following and she travels around the world leading her signature Manifestation Yoga® workshops and retreats. Jen has been featured on, Good Morning America, New York Magazine, The Rumpus, Origin Magazine, as well as many other TV shows and publications. She is also the creator of Karaoke Yoga. You can read her popular blog The Manifest-Station or join her 26 thousand strong tribe on Facebook or Twitter/instagram @jenpastiloff. She also has a weekly column on Positively Positive with almost 2 million fans.


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