Meet the [Guest] Teacher: Job Rukwaro, Africa Yoga Project

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Meet the [Guest] Teacher: Job Rukwaro, Africa Yoga Project


cropped-blog-header.jpgHandstands are the one pose we don’t have enough time to fully explore in class, but is one that truly awakens us whether you’re a new yogi or a veteran. This Friday, we’re lucky enough to have acrobat and yoga teacher Job Rukwaro with us to bring out the joy and address any fears with doing Handstands. His experience ranges from international acrobatics to teaching yoga to communities in need through the Africa Yoga Project (AYP) – the only Baptiste Yoga affiliate studio in Africa.

In his own words: “AYP is an instrument of positive change and empowerment in Kenya as well as the rest of Africa.” With over 100 teachers, reaching around 6000 people a month, AYP has brought tremendous change to teachers and communities alike. Many of the teachers come from poor and marginalised communities, so AYP provides education and employment, but most importantly presents opportunities for growth and to make a difference in the communities around the world.

Ahead of his workshop, we caught up with Job to learn more about his journey to the mat:

Tell us a bit about your journey to the mat? What brought you to yoga?

It all started with a friend who was visiting me. He wanted to know where the closest yoga studio was in Kenya, which prompted me to visit Africa Yoga Project. After loads of questions about yoga and AYP, they actually sent one of the teachers to our training grounds. This is how I met the late Evans, who inspired me even to become a yoga teacher by his way of being.

You’re an incredible acrobat, who makes standing on your hands look as easy as walking. What is the one thing we should know when tackling a handstand?

It’s simple, but important: Be aware of your centre line.

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What’s next for the Africa Yoga Project?

Africa Yoga Project is the only Baptiste affiliate studio in Africa. Just recently Paige Elenson the Director and Founder was chosen to be an Ashoka fellow. Last year Africa Yoga Project won $50, 000 Microsoft award for the most impactful organisation in Kenya. Considering Baptiste yoga is just starting in Africa, it is going to cause phenomenal growth and social elevation in Africa and beyond.

You can get involved and become a part of this life changing organisation by sponsoring a teacher, donating to various Africa Yoga Project funded programmes. Or even take a seva safari with Africa Yoga Project.

Sign up here for Job’s handstand workshop happening on 12 February at 4-6PM
