Presence – Week 1 of 40 Days To Personal Revolution

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Presence – Week 1 of 40 Days To Personal Revolution

Presence is a word we might hear in the yoga studio.. become present on the mat.. become present with the breath..

But what is Presence? What do we really mean by it and how do we practise it?   


“Presence is a state of inward spaciousness” – Eckhart Tolle


How many of us are really awake? Baron Baptiste describes how we are addicted to the “white sugar of life” – e.g. the stress of work, emotional reactivity, social media – we have disconnected from consciousness and gone to sleep.

How many parents know the pull to check a phone or computer, to respond to work etc, when spending time with their kids? – when all the kids want is their parents’ full conscious attention.

All of us are tempted to sabotage ourselves with compulsive behaviour which we can feel deep down doesn’t serve us. How do we go consciously inward to our list of habits – check these off and chuck them out?

Presence is a focus on waking up and being fully present to your body, mind and life and seeing the underlying factors that cause you to feel stuck.

When we ignore bad habits we ask ourselves “Why can I be so weak? So powerless?” but actually it takes a lot of power to sabotage – to turn our power against ourselves. Baron Baptiste identifies a set of Laws of human behaviour – the very first says Seek The Truth.. the truth will set you free. What is there to be set free from? Our own delusions and problems – which we mask with the “white sugar of life” – phones, computers, food, alcohol etc.

Presence is about getting quiet enough to see the underlying truths of our behaviours. Different paths of our yoga journey can help us – the physical practise will bring us into our body and breath. Meditation can cultivate awareness of the present moment. Checking in with our diet brings brings awareness to our unique body pattern and how to nourish it.  Talking with a group, a friend or ourselves – by journalling – may help shine a light to the dark corners of the mind, where we store beliefs and patterns that hold us back.

In fact, the first two of Baptiste’s Laws relate specifically to Presence:

Law 1: Seek the truth

  • Have the courage to face the pure unsweetened truth of yourself so that you can move and grow in more honest ways.

This is about being honest with yourself. What’s working and what’s not working? No need to hide vulnerability. As Baron Baptiste says:

“You can meditate and do yoga until you are you are blue in the face but all you will ever be is blue in the face unless you have the courage to open your heart, face reality, admit your mistakes, and take right action.”


Law 2:  Be willing to come apart

  • Give up control to experience healing, let go and surrender.

This is about not knowing. We want to control everything, but sometimes we just don’t know what’s next. As Baron Baptiste says:

“We are always fighting. We are fighting for the job, we’re fighting for the relationship, we’re fighting for our partner or our parents to be a certain way.. we’re fighting to get our body a certain way.. when I give up the struggle in any area of my life, I see how things unfold.”


So, we become Present by being Truthful and Open. Then without even knowing how, change


“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.”

Carl Rogers

And what’s exciting is that – it’s never ever too late to change..

“No matter how far you have gone down a wrong track, turn back.”

Turkish Proverb


Want to find out more details?

Read about Barbara, Regina and Manasi’s experience of the 40 Days Programme here.




